This week we have followed the Fiest of Tabernacle in Jerusalem by television. My mother-in-law is there with a Norwegian group right now. It is her first time in Israel, and she is so exited. This picture, taken from within The Citadel in Jerusalem, we took on our last visit there early in 2008. Now we are longing to go back there as soon as we can.

This is the beautiful full moon we could enjoy last Saturday: taken not far from our house.
11 kommentarer:
The moon shot is gorgeous. The light on the water is so peaceful and serene.
Å Aud, bare liker de bildene dine fra Jerusalem så godt. Fine de andre bildene dine også ja, men den byen, Jerusalem kunne virkelig vært noe å besøkt en gang. Det hadde vært en drøm det.
Fin fin helg til deg Aud.
How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.
Towers and moons! Wonderful. Gorgeous place by the lake.
Amazing shots. Amazing locations.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Nydelige bilder. Liker veldig godt bilder med sjø og måne eller sol. Nydelig.
Bildene dine fra Israel gir meg bare enda mer lyst til å reise dit. Håper vi får til det en gang.
Ønkser deg ei riktig god helg :)
Beautiful shots for skywatch.
Awesome shots, at which you can sit and stare for hours and hours and hours! Beautiful!
- Pixellicious Photos
You got a great angle on the Citadel. Now if only we could have your lake here in Jerusalem. :)
Shabbat shalom to you too. Thanks for your so nice comments.
But what I wrote above is "angle" as in perspective, location from which your photo was taken. Not angel, as in seraphim. I don't claim to see angels flying! :D
I was just kidding. It's fun to have a laugh. But you know, now that I look again at your sky, the clouds DO look like an angel. LOL
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