Vi besøkte han og fikk se sist helg.
Our youngest son had to move to another house this summer, and has got this beautiful place to live. He will share the house with a pal (who lives there already). "I've not prayed for something so nice", he says. "But I say thanks and receive."

Torsdag denne uken var vi sammen min manns bror og hans sønn og spilte frisbeegolf på Ekeberg. En helt ny erfaring for meg. Her starter vi med friskt mot.
(The pictures is not placed where I want them. But if I move them, I spoil the possibility to make them larger.)
This thursday we went to Ekeberg in Oslo with my husbands brother and his son to play fresbeegolf. A quite new experience to me. Here we are at the starting point.

Saturday the 21st of June we joined the removing load for our eldest son, together with his wifes family.
Like this it is just a 100 meters from their house. They are very grateful! A small sand shore is it also right by.
Lille Even er nå blitt en kløpper til å gå. Bare se!
Little Even has learned to walk. Is'nt he clever?
Fikk tatt noen videosnutter av frisbeegolfinga, slik at dere kan se hvordan det er. Veldig moro. Det er laget en hel bane med 18 hull (kurver).
I got some videoshots of the fresbeegolfing, so that you can watch how it is. Very fun. They have made å whole yard with 18 holes (baskets).