Vi planlegger vår neste tur til Israel. Det blir sannsynligvis i februar. Reiselysten er stigende for tiden. Israel er et fantastisk land å være i. Her er alt! Det var selvfølgelig ikke tilfeldig at Gud valgte dette landet som midtpunkt og arena for sin redningsaksjon for menneskene. Se også hvordan hele verdens oppmerksomhet er rettet mot dette lille landet!
The photo is taken by the warm springs outside Beit Shean.
We are planning our next trip to Israel. We go probably in february. My desire to travel is increasing at present. Israel is a fantastic country for travelling. They have it all! Of course it was not incidentally that God chose this country as scene for his rescue operation for the world. Just look how the attention of the whole world is directed towards this little country.
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