The journey back home lasted about 17 hours, first with plane from Ben Gurion Airport to Wien, where we had to wait about 8-9 hours for the plane to Copenhagen. We took a cab to the center of the city -to Stephansdomen, seen on the first picture. We walked around in the area around it for several hours, and it was a lot of nice and exiting things to se. Many tourists being guided around to the various attractions.
Den berømte Spanske Rideskole. The famous Spanish Riding School.
Vi kom også til en nydelig park med en statue av Strauss, og to menn som satt i gamle kostymer og solgte billetter til en konsert.
We also came to a beautiful park with a statue of Strauss, and two men in old constumes selling tickets for å concert.
Dette var bare tre små smakebiter av alt vi fikk med oss. Vi var også innom det kjente jødiske museet i Wien.
This was only a little taste of all we experienced in Wien. We visited also the known jewish museum.