Her er lille Emanuel som ble født i går morges i sekstiden. Å ligge på bestefars arm kan fremkalle en stor variasjon av ansiktsuttrykk! Vi besøkte dem på sykehuset i dag sammen en annen sønn med kone. Det er like fantastisk hver gang å se et slikt lite nyfødt menneskebarn. Og veldig stort og uvirkelig nesten at det er vårt barnebarn. Vi gleder oss til å se ham vokse og utvikle seg. Trygt å vite at han også er Guds barn - eller rettere sagt: først og fremst er Guds barn!
Here you see little Emanuel, born yesterday morning about six o'clock. To rest in grandfathers arms can provide a large spectre of face expressions! We visited them to-day in the hospital together with another son and wife. It is always amazing to see such a new-born human being. And very strange and big that he is our grandchild. We look forward to see him grow up and develope. Safe to know that he is also God's child - or more correctly: first of all God's child!
Here you see little Emanuel, born yesterday morning about six o'clock. To rest in grandfathers arms can provide a large spectre of face expressions! We visited them to-day in the hospital together with another son and wife. It is always amazing to see such a new-born human being. And very strange and big that he is our grandchild. We look forward to see him grow up and develope. Safe to know that he is also God's child - or more correctly: first of all God's child!