torsdag, april 30, 2009
Aviskritikk i Vårt Land av CD'en "Dancing Leaves"
Review in the newspaper "Vårt Land" of the CD "Dancing Leaves", recently released:
UNASSUMING AND CLEAR: Tim's Familitree is an acustic folk-pop-trio consisting of sound writer Håkon Audun, his wife Anne-Kjersti and the brother Ole Halvard. They step forward carefully, but know what they want, and it is easy to like them.
The 11 selfcomposed peaces is like balsam for both soul and body. A gentle vocal, violin, flute, contrabass, acustic guitar and mandolin breakes the silence. The thoughts go to other quiet mediators as Sufjan Stevens, Joni Mitchell and King's Of Convenience. It is minimalistic, but the texts are full of important words about a good life, and a God who wants all good for us. You seldom experience records giving such a beautiful, but at the same time thoroughly clear picture of the Christian faith as a part of life and eterinity.
Og i tilfelle noen ikke har fått det med seg: Det er mine to eldste sønner og min svigerdatter! Og på mitt innlegg her på bloggen den 19. april kan dere høre tre opptak fra releasekonserten (tatt av meg med mitt digitale kompakte fotoapparat).
And just in case some one has not heard it: It is my two eldest sons and my daughter-in-law!
On my post here on my blogg on the 19th of April you can listen to three videos from the releaseconcert (taken by me with my digital compact photocamera.)
Og her kan du høre noen av låtene på MySpace: And here you can listen to some of the sounds on MySpace:
Og hvis du ønsker å kjøpe CD'en, kan du gjøre det her:
And if you want to buy the CD, you can do it here:
tirsdag, april 28, 2009
36 års bryllupsdag i dag! 36 years anniversary today.
We have been a trip by car to Brandbu, and had a cup of coffee and cake on a Cafe there - just the two of us. And we found this nice Sunflower in a flower shop there. I also found a new brown cardigan. When we came back home I found a check for kr. 1.500,- as an acknowledgement present from Lillesand muncipality, where I worked for 13 years - my last position in my working life. I want to buy me a real nice summer jacket for the amount! And now the summer tyres are put on to the car. No more snowdriving for this season.
fredag, april 24, 2009
SkyWatch Friday no. 41
tirsdag, april 21, 2009
Gratulerer med din 27-årsdag Benjamin! Happy birthday, Benjamin!
Han er altså en ekte Benjamin (yngstemann i søskenflokken), "lykkens sønn" betyr navnet. Han var langtfra noen "skrapkake", som de sa i gamle dager om sistemann som ble født. Han var størst av alle sine søsken ved fødselen - og er det fortsatt! Og han er en ordentlig kjernekar - mors stolthet. (Han også!) Engasjert og opptatt av å tjene Herren i alt han gjør!
The last celebration in our home on Birkeland - 2 years ago, when he was 25 years. This year I did not have the opportunity to make him a birthdaycake, so I have to make a fuss over him here on my blog. He is a real Benjamin (the youngest of our children), "Son of happines" means his name. He was the biggest of his sisters and brothers by birth - and still is. No "Scrap cake" as they said in old days. And he is a real great guy - the pride of his mother. (He also!) Engaged and busy to serve the Lord in every way!
søndag, april 19, 2009
Release-consert for Tims Familytree's debutalbum Dancing Leaves.
Yesterday I joined the releaseconsert for Tim's Familytree's first album: Dancing Leaves.
The band consists of our two eldest sons and our daughter-in-law. The consert was held on Sub Church's scene in Oslo, called Sub Scene. It's what we in Norway call a "low threshold" congregation for young people, where our sons have participated for years.
The tapes are taken with my compact digital photo camera, Samsung S730. The quality of the film and the sound is not maximal. If want maximal sound, buy the CD. It is very good. Can be bought on:
"When you smile":
It was a very uplifting experience for me, and I love sharing some samples with you. The cover of the CD is decorated by 0ur eldest daughter. The CD costs Nkr. 150,-. They have also a T-shirt with their logo: a tege (in Norwegian), drawn by our daughter. This costs Nkr. 150,-.
"When I brushed against Leonard Cohen":
There are texts following all the sounds on the CD. Here is the text of the last one I will share with you:
"I love you Lord":
Through the weakness of my soul Beneath these passing flesh and bones I love you Lord.
Past the scars within my eyes Behind these self deceiving lies I love you Lord.
Please, I beg you on my knees To free me from this sin disease I carry, Lord.
Pain that run throughout my veins To haunt down everything that gains What I adore I love you Lord.
Jesus, take this piece of clay And Save it so that I one day May meet you Lord
The holiness I can't perform Create in me that I am formed Alike you Lord.
So when I leave this shell behind I'll lift my eyes to see you shine In Glory, Lord.
But while I'm stuck down here on earth I'll make sure that this dust and dirt shall serve the cause Of loving you, my Lord.
You - The King of all kings You - Beginning and End Messiah and Saviour
You - The Lord of All Lords The power behind it all Are we worth your endeavour.
Hear my guts howl Renew and refine me Lord Divide my spirit and soul With the power of your mighty sword.
torsdag, april 16, 2009
SkyWatch Friday no. 39
Here we have taken the cable wagon up to Carmel Mountain in Haifa in March 2008.
No division between sea and sky, a marvellous view!
And the last one taken from the Northern Beach in Eilat some weeks earlier. I think it is Hotel Herods in the background.
søndag, april 12, 2009
Han er oppstanden, Halleluja! He is risen, Hallelujah!
torsdag, april 09, 2009
SkyWatch Friday no. 38
søndag, april 05, 2009
Se, vi går opp til Jerusalem. Palmesøndag.
Vi ser Gamlebyen med muren rundt. Litt til høyre for midten av muren: Den doble Gullporten, som er murt igjen av muslimene (den tyrkiske Sultan Suleiman) for ca. 500 år siden. Jødene tror at den skal åpnes igjen når Messias kommer. Vi kristne antar at den skal åpnes ved Messias' 2. komme (ved verdens ende), for Han skal sette sin fot på Oljeberget når Han kommer, og så skal Han herske over hele verden fra Jerusalem.
Det var veldig spesielt å gå ned fra Oljeberget - omtrent den samme veien som Jesus gikk, da han gikk imøte korset. Vi gikk alene, da vi reiste alene, og det var veldig få turister i Israel akkurat da.
Nederst den store Alle nasjoners kirke i Getsemane, bygd av katolikker fra hele verden.
De to siste bildene er tatt da vi deltok på en gruppereise påsken 2006.