Review in the newspaper "Vårt Land" of the CD "Dancing Leaves", recently released:
UNASSUMING AND CLEAR: Tim's Familitree is an acustic folk-pop-trio consisting of sound writer Håkon Audun, his wife Anne-Kjersti and the brother Ole Halvard. They step forward carefully, but know what they want, and it is easy to like them.
The 11 selfcomposed peaces is like balsam for both soul and body. A gentle vocal, violin, flute, contrabass, acustic guitar and mandolin breakes the silence. The thoughts go to other quiet mediators as Sufjan Stevens, Joni Mitchell and King's Of Convenience. It is minimalistic, but the texts are full of important words about a good life, and a God who wants all good for us. You seldom experience records giving such a beautiful, but at the same time thoroughly clear picture of the Christian faith as a part of life and eterinity.
Og i tilfelle noen ikke har fått det med seg: Det er mine to eldste sønner og min svigerdatter! Og på mitt innlegg her på bloggen den 19. april kan dere høre tre opptak fra releasekonserten (tatt av meg med mitt digitale kompakte fotoapparat).
And just in case some one has not heard it: It is my two eldest sons and my daughter-in-law!
On my post here on my blogg on the 19th of April you can listen to three videos from the releaseconcert (taken by me with my digital compact photocamera.)
Og her kan du høre noen av låtene på MySpace: And here you can listen to some of the sounds on MySpace:
Og hvis du ønsker å kjøpe CD'en, kan du gjøre det her:
And if you want to buy the CD, you can do it here: