torsdag, oktober 30, 2008

SkyWatch Friday No. 16.

There is only one night between the three first pictures and the two next. All of them taken right outside our door, the first ones in the afternoon on the 28th of October, the next the following morning. True to say not very unexpected - it was "smelling" snow in the air just before it came. However it is not certain that this snow will last over the winter. It may disappear again.

I just have to share also this time a shot from our last trip to Israel. (March 2008). This motive should be familiar all over the world. In the center of the news - at least here in Norway and in the Western countries. We had a long wonderful photo safari in Jerusalem that day.

26 kommentarer:

Brit. (lille meg) sa...

Så nydelige skywatchbilder!
Det var en nytelse å se på.
Ha en fin ettermiddag, og kveld!:)

klokhet och dårskap sa...

Mycket fina bilder

Anonym sa...

Great shots and a nice contrast at the end.

kjpweb sa...

Wonderful images - especially love the Jerusalem image!
Cheers, Klaus

P.S.: Please be so kind, to take the time to read the Skywatch rules.
Please add a link back to Skywatch, to invite people to see skies from all over the world.
Thanks you - the Skywatch Team

Guy D sa...

Those are fantastic shots. Thanks for sharing!

Regina In Pictures

Juliana RW sa...

COOL shots. love the snow

Mine SWF post in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.

Louise sa...

A beautiful post! The sunset shots are so lovely. The snow is nice--makes me want to build a fire and read a book. The Isreal picture is perfect. Nice framing, beautiful sky, perfect perspective!

Roses and Lilacs sa...

Lovely skies, very nice colors. Don't like that snow;)

Ivar Østtun sa...

Flotte bilder du har valgt ut til denne ukes SWF. Store kontraster og det liker jeg godt. Ha ei trivelig helg :-)

Brad Myers sa...

A nice series of sky watch photos, well done.

Anne sa...

Hei bestemor Aud.
Så koselig det var å komme inn hit for igjen å kunne skrive litt på norsk :-) det er fare for at det blir edel trønder engelsk på noen av mine kommentarer på slike SWF dager, men pytt pytt.

Nydlige bilder du har lagt ut her ja, kontrast fra vinter Norge og det bilde fra Israel. Så forskjellig, men allikevel under samme himmel. Rart ikke sant?? Så forskjellig, men allkevel så nært... Det er nå slike refleksjoner en gjør seg på disse dagene da det postes hmmelbilder fra alle verdenshjørner.

Ha en super torsdagskveld. Og mange hilsninger fra trøndelag.

Anonym sa...

These are lovely well taken photos. But I think the snow will last. It will be a very cold winter this year.


kjpweb sa...

Yes - that's o.k. like that!
In future posts I would just put it into the post itself. Is easier for you! :)
Cheers, Klaus

Photo Cache sa...

A fine selection of skywatch images. I love the pastel colors in the beginning of the series.

Arija sa...

Once you have smelled snow in the air, you never forget it. I personally love snow, but also desert landscapes. Great to finish off with the heat of Israel.

PJ sa...

A beautiful array of photos. You're very lucky to live in such a place.

Pensacola Daily Photo

Michele sa...

Ah... snow!! We had some here but it melted. It got warm so I don't think it is quite time for winter yet. It's ok, I'm not ready for winter!
Beautiful photos!!
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Anne-Berit sa...

Vakkert,alt sammen.Ha en fin helg!

Unknown sa...

Wow you look so wintery already, great shots

vincibene sa...

Gorgeous series!

Pernille sa...

Nydelige SWF-bilder. Du har fått med alt jo. Vakre solnedganger, snø, sol og sommer. kan det bli bedre da?

Ha ei koselig helg:)

Mary sa...

We had some snow here in New Jersey (USA) but it has already melted. such a lovely series of shots! happy swf. :)

Momgen sa...

Beautiful entries keep it up...TC

Mine is here

Naturegirl sa...

Oh MY!! Snow alaready in your world!!
Today we experience sunny 19C temps!
I love to share skies of my travels too! Should you come by to see my Paris SWF images scroll down and show your little boy my painted pumpkins!
Nice meeting world sky watchers!

♥ Stines hverdag sa...

Nydelige skywatch-bilder!
Her har snøen forsvunnet igjen, og jeg er egentlig litt glad for det. Tenger den ikke enda...

Ha en fin helg!

Himayalaya sa...

Hei, så fine bilder! Og takk for alle bildene av meg som du sendte, det var moro! Så bra at du har fått skannet dem! Jeg har nytt innlegg på bloggen forresten..