torsdag, mai 21, 2009

SkyWatch Friday no. 45.

This picture is taken from Davids Tower in The Old City of Jerusalem in february 2008. We look to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus was taken to heaven - while blessing his disiples. "And a cloud took him out of their sight". It is built a church (to the left of middle of the picture) on the place they think it happened. At least it was some place in the area. I think it is good to have a visual picture of it. And as christians we also expect Jesus to come back and set his feet on the Mount of Olives - as he has told us.
Happy Ascension Day!

12 kommentarer:

Bim sa...

This is a beautiful scene with the swirling clouds overhead.

Dagrun sa...

SÅ flott formasjon på skyene.

Guy D sa...

Great photo, you captured this awesome view perfectly.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

Jane Hards Photography sa...

It is a wonderful overview of such an historic place.

Jim sa...

Interesting swirls.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gunilla sa...

Det ser ut som att målnen snurrar.

Jättefin bild

Ha en fortsatt fin helg

Gunilla in Sweden

Unknown sa...

Wonderful shot !!

I like the way the clouds seem to be swirling around ... very cool..

Light and Voices sa...

Agreed the clouds are swirling around in a very dramatic way. Good job!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) sa...

Det var en flott himmel du hadde tatt bilde av der, spennende hva himmelen kan lage av flotte formasjoner av skyene. Ha en fin helg :)

Arija sa...

The wind is doing a great job painting the sky, lovely shot.

Amrita sa...

a very holy place.

Dina sa...

Wow, you had some unusual clouds.
Yes, the Mount of Olives is very special, you can feel it.
Shalom to you.