This picture is taken from Davids Tower in The Old City of Jerusalem in february 2008. We look to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus was taken to heaven - while blessing his disiples. "And a cloud took him out of their sight". It is built a church (to the left of middle of the picture) on the place they think it happened. At least it was some place in the area. I think it is good to have a visual picture of it. And as christians we also expect Jesus to come back and set his feet on the Mount of Olives - as he has told us.
Happy Ascension Day!
12 kommentarer:
This is a beautiful scene with the swirling clouds overhead.
SÅ flott formasjon på skyene.
Great photo, you captured this awesome view perfectly.
Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures
It is a wonderful overview of such an historic place.
Interesting swirls.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Det ser ut som att målnen snurrar.
Jättefin bild
Ha en fortsatt fin helg
Gunilla in Sweden
Wonderful shot !!
I like the way the clouds seem to be swirling around ... very cool..
Agreed the clouds are swirling around in a very dramatic way. Good job!
Det var en flott himmel du hadde tatt bilde av der, spennende hva himmelen kan lage av flotte formasjoner av skyene. Ha en fin helg :)
The wind is doing a great job painting the sky, lovely shot.
a very holy place.
Wow, you had some unusual clouds.
Yes, the Mount of Olives is very special, you can feel it.
Shalom to you.
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