torsdag, juli 09, 2009

SkyWatch Friday No. 52

A windy summer day at Tofte, Hurum (south in Oslofjorden) yesterday, taken with my husbands mobile phone, as we were aout for a swimming trip. The place is about 5 minute's drive from our new house. The view is against Vestfold across the fjord. The second picture shows a closed factory of wood chemistry (?). Still one factory remaining, as you see from the last picture taken some days earlier from our veranda to the South, with my Samsung S730.

4 kommentarer:

Fjordheim sa...

Mange flotte skybilder hos deg.
Håper det går greit med flyttingen.
Ønsker deg gode sommerdager :)

Brit. (lille meg) sa...

Nydelig skywatch! Takk for at du deler de med oss!

Arija sa...

The first two shots are just beautiful!

Unknown sa...

I like the composition of your shots...

That last one in particular ..the contrast between an ugly, smoking factory and the red beauty of the flowers..

Well done !! :-)