mandag, desember 28, 2009

Nydelig vinter. Beautiful winter.

Tok disse bildene på min vei til postkassa i dag i ca. minus 10 kuldegrader.  Ikke dumt å tenke på at om en uke drar vi til Kypros!
Took these pictures on my way to the mailbox in about 10 degrees minus today. Good to think about our journey to Cyprus in about one week!

Postkassestativet i enden av veien vår.  Huset vårt innerst til venstre.
Our mailbox rack.  Our house is the red in the background.

søndag, desember 20, 2009

Flere begivenheter i desember. More events in December.

Den 6. desember ble vårt 5. barnebarn, Zoë, døpt av sin far i Larvik Misjonskirke. Mor bar henne til dåpen, og mormor og bestefar, tante Berit og onkel Tom Erik var faddere.
On the 6th of December our fifth grandchild, Zoë, was baptised by her father in Larvik Mission Church. Her mother carried her to the baptisme, and grandmother, grandfather, aunt and uncle were godparents.

Sist fredag dro jeg til Våle utrustet med pepperkakedeig, melis og masse godteri, for å bake pepperkaker med tre av barnebarna. Det ble en koselig ettermiddag/kveld, først med baking, så med pynting og litt sang til jobben:
Last friday I went to my daughters home in Vestfold, equipped with ginger snap dough, icing suger and a lot of sweets to make ginger snaps with three of my grandchildren. It became a nice evening with baking, garnishing and a little singing while we did the job.

Ginger snap baking song.

"The Lord is God. Up in heaven and down on the earth. The Lord is God. He and no one else."

Even, 3 år viser stolt frem sitt produkt til pappa. Even, three years old, shows proudly his product to his daddy.

Sindre, 7 år, er også fornøyd med verket. Sindre, 7 years, is also pleased with his work.

Mina, 5 år, viser frem det hun syntes var finest av sine kaker.
Mina, 5 years, is showing her best one.

Vi var kjempefornøyde med resultatet.

We were very satisfied with the result.

torsdag, desember 03, 2009

SkyWatch Friday.

All these pictures are taken yesterday.   Threee of them in the series of Sødra Cell cellulose factories, which is the pittoresque view from our house.  The first of them was the last taken, just before the sun disappeared.
The moon pictures is from last night.
(I had a little trouble with the tecnique to get them in right order - the two last is in right order to each other.)